7 essential oils for psoriasis that will soothe the symptoms

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Psoriasis, a skin condition, can leave you with cracked, dry skin that may bleed. You may use essential oils to relieve psoriasis symptoms.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that can turn your skin red, and leave you with raised skin lesions, itching and burning sensation. You can keep the condition under control by applying creams and ointments recommended by your doctor. Exposure to ultraviolet light may also be part of your treatment plan. If you want to add more products to your skincare routine, include essential oils. You may get relief by using essential oils for psoriasis. Oils such as tea tree oil, lavender, and chamomile may be helpful in soothing the symptoms when applied to your skin.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic autoimmune skin disorder where skin cells multiply fast, and lead to the accumulation of cells on the surface. “This results in thick, scaly patches that can itch, crack, or bleed,” says aesthetic physician and cosmetologist Dr Karuna Malhotra. It can last for a long time with periods of remission as well as flare-ups. The painful condition affects about 100 million people in the world, according to a 2016 World Health Organization report on psoriasis.

A woman with psoriasis
Itching and burning are signs of psoriasis. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

There are different types, with plaque psoriasis being the most common kind, according to the US National Institute Of Arthritis And Musculoskeletal And Skin Diseases. It appears as raised, red skin patches covered by scales in silvery-white colour.

Common psoriasis symptoms include:

  • Red patches of skin covered with silvery-white scales
  • Itching, burning, or soreness in affected areas like scalp, elbows, knees, lower back, and palms.
  • Cracked, and dry skin that may even bleed
  • Thickened or pitted nails (in nail psoriasis)
  • Swollen joints (psoriatic arthritis)

Essential oils for psoriasis: Here’s how they may help

“Essential oils contain anti-inflammatory, moisturising, and soothing properties that help alleviate symptoms of psoriasis,” says the expert. Including essential oils for psoriasis may help:

  • Reduce redness and swelling associated with lesions.
  • Soothe itching and discomfort.
  • Promote healing of cracked or dry skin.
  • Relax the mind, which helps in stress management (a known trigger).

“You need to remember that essential oils cannot cure psoriasis, but they can complement treatments recommended by doctors,” says the expert. Corticosteroids are usually recommended to reduce inflammation and itching. “Vitamin D analogs (like calcipotriol) can help slow skin cell production, and coal tar and salicylic acid can help remove scales and soften skin. Exposure to ultraviolet B light may slow the growth of skin cells,” says the expert.

7 essential oils to manage psoriasis symptoms

Using these oils for psoriasis can help you manage the symptoms of this skin condition:

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1. Tea tree oil

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil may reduce irritation and prevent infections on open lesions. Terpinen-4-ol, which is the major constituent of tea tree oil, has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Terpinen-4-ol may be used as an agent against psoriasis, according to a research published in the Pharmacology and Physiology journal in 2012.

2. Lavender oil

Known for its soothing effects, lavender can reduce redness, swelling, and itching. “It may also promote relaxation and help manage stress, reducing flare-ups,” says Dr Malhotra. During a 2020 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, topical application of lavender oil showed nearly 74 percent recovery in people with psoriasis.

3. Bergamot oil

It can act as an anti-inflammatory agent, and help to reduce redness and discomfort. Its antibacterial properties can protect cracked skin from infections. During a 2019 study published in the Food Science And Nutrition journal, researchers found that applying bergamot essential oil can decrease psoriatic plaques, and increase skin collagen content.

4. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil can provide a cooling effect on the skin. This can help relieving itching and discomfort associated with this condition. Keeping skin moisturised is very important, as cracked and dry skin is a common symptom. “Applying this essential oil can also help moisturise dry patches and promote faster healing,” says Dr Malhotra.

5. Chamomile oil

It contains potent anti-inflammatory properties that can calm irritated skin. It may be helpful in reducing the itching and cracking of skin. During a research published in the Pharmaceutics journal in 2023, the topical application of chamomile was found to be equivalent to that of hydrocortisone, which is used for psoriasis treatment. The research suggested that chamomile oil could be safely used to treat psoriasis.

6. Frankincense oil

This oil may promote skin regeneration and help reduce scarring from lesions. It may also support overall skin health and reduce inflammation. During a 2022 study, published in the Research Journal Of Pharmacognosy, significant alleviation of psoriasis symptoms was noticed in participants who used a cream containing Frankincense, and pumpkin oils, and licorice aqueous extract.

Essential oil for psoriasis
Essential oils may help manage psoriasis symptoms. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

7. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a cooling property that may alleviate itching and irritation. “It can also relieve joint pain associated with psoriatic arthritis, which is a type of inflammatory arthritis that sometimes affects people with psoriasis,” says the expert.

How to use essential oils for psoriasis?

While it can be an effective way to soothe the symptoms, you should know how to use essential oils for psoriasis:

  • Dilution: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be diluted in a carrier oil like coconut, almond or jojoba oil. A 2 to 3 percent dilution (around 10 to 15 drops per ounce of carrier oil) is enough.
  • Topical application: Massage the diluted oil directly onto the affected area 2 to 3 times daily, but avoid applying it to open wounds.
  • Bath soak: Add about 10 drops of essential oil (diluted with a carrier) to a warm bath, and soak for 20 minutes to soothe and moisturise your skin.
  • Scalp treatment: Mix essential oil with a carrier oil, massage into your scalp, and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off.

Who should not use essential oils for psoriasis?

Using essential oils for psoriasis are considered safe but here are a few things you need to keep in mind to protect yourself:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women: Some essential oils can affect hormone levels.
  • People with allergies or sensitive skin: Essential oils may cause irritation, so do a patch test first.
  • Individuals with chronic respiratory conditions: Strong aromas of such oils can trigger breathing issues.
  • Patients on medications: Some oils may interact with drugs (e.g., lavender oil with sedatives). Consulting a doctor is essential before using essential oils to manage the symptoms.

You can integrate essential oils with other treatments and maintain a healthy lifestyle to better manage the symptoms of psoriasis. However, check with your doctor before using essential oils for psoriasis.

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