Ths 15-Minute Barre Workout Hits Your Arms and Core in Equal Measure

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A strong upper body can help improve posture and, of course, make it easier to pick things up. If you’re looking to build that strength, look no further than the barre arm workout in this week’s edition of Trainer of the Month Club.

In the episode, Nicole Uribarri, program director and founding instructor of Bande, demos a barre arm workout that will make your arms feel like noodles at the end. All you need are some light hand weights or wrist weights. “You can do this workout a few times just increasing the weight over and over and over time so that you get stronger, and continue to enjoy it,” says Uribarri.

After a warmup that includes shoulder rolls and side bends, Uribarri gives a little pep talk before getting into the muscle-quaking stuff. As you go through the different exercises, keep your core engaged and focus on breathing when it gets hard—because trust me, it will get hard. “There are gonna be moments here where you’re gonna want to drop your arms, and I’m gonna encourage you to just keep them up,” Uribarri says. Later on, when your arms feel like jello and you’re ready to drop your weights, she’s right there with you, reminding you that, “what you’re feeling is temporary. It will pass.”

The good news is that after 15 minutes, you’re done. Ready to take it on? Follow along with the video.

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